WhatSpa? logos explained

Look out for the WhatSpa? suite of logos when you’re browsing hot tub manufacturer and retailer websites, brochures and showrooms before you buy. Here’s a rundown of our different logos and what they mean, so you can shop confidently, knowing that you’re dealing with a trusted brand and retailer.

WhatSpa? Approved logo*:

Our WhatSpa? Approved logo is simple and is designed to offer some vital information about the competence, attitude and professionalism of manufacturers, distribution companies and retailers in the hot tub sector. It is used by both Manufacturers and Retailers if they meet a specified list of objective criteria and authenticated by the staff here at WhatSpa? magazine.

WhatSpa? Approved manufacturers/distributors:

There are over 40 brands of spas now represented in the UK. Most hot tub manufacturers appoint a UK distributor who then appoints a network of dealers. Some importers retail directly to the public via their own retail outlets.

In order to gain approved status, manufacturers must display proof that they have the following credentials and infrastructure:

  • All products meet the specification of current British Standards (BS EN 17125:2018 Domestic spas/whirlpool spas/hot tubs. Safety requirements and test methods).
  • Valid CE Marking on all models offered for sale in the UK.
  • A quality assurance programme and documentation system that records and tracks every finished product and its constituent parts.
  • A mandatory technical training programme for all third party retailers who will be responsible for after-sales technical support to consumers.
  • A warranty system that is underwritten by the manufacturer and/or distributor to protect customers in the event that a retailer ceases to trade or discontinues spas and hot tubs from their product offering.

WhatSpa? Approved retailers:

There are literally hundreds of hot tub retailers dotted around all areas of the UK and it is vital that consumers have a way of discerning reputable and trustworthy retailers that offer WhatSpa? Approved brands. So in order to become a WhatSpa? Approved retailer, UK hot tub dealers must have the following credentials and facilities (or an international equivalent for non-UK retailers):

  • Showroom facilities with at least 3 hot tubs on display.
  • Retailer MUST have showroom premises that are open to the public at least 3 days a week. Internet-only sellers cannot become WhatSpa? Approved. ‘Appointment-only’ showrooms are also not eligible for WhatSpa? Approval.
  • Retailer MUST offer for sale WhatSpa? Approved branded products.
  • Valid public liability insurance cover is in place at all times.
  • At least 1 member of staff who holds a certificate for attendance on a BISHTA recognised training course in water hygiene management or an international equivalent.
  • Proof of a spa water testing and documentation regime for showroom spas to ensure a safe environment for consumers.
  • Retailer must stock and offer for sale a full range of residential spa water hygiene, water balancing and water testing products.
  • Ability to offer or recommend an electrical installation service or contractor who is 18th edition qualified (British Standards BS 7671:2018 Requirements for Electrical Installations, IET Wiring Regulations) and Part P qualified.
  • A fully trained and accredited service technician either employed by them or available on a sub-contract basis.
  • A full delivery, installation and commissioning service must be made available to all residential clients. Kerbside delivery is NOT acceptable and neither is requesting the assistance of customers to move or handle products in any way as part of the delivery process.
  • To comply in all respects with the Trades Descriptions Act, 1968, Supply of Goods (Implied Terms) Act, 1973, the Sale of Goods Act, 1979 including Amendment, 1995, Consumer Protection Act, 2008 and any other subsequent acts or regulations amending or replacing the same so far as goods supplied to the general public are concerned.
  • A clear manufacturer’s guarantee or warranty certificate is issued to every customer upon request and at the very latest by the day of product delivery, and to perform on such warranties where justifiable claims are made within a suitable time period.

WhatSpa? Professional logo*:

WhatSpa? Professional status was launched in 2019 and is designed to acknowledge hot tub retailers that demonstrate best-in-class credentials. In order to win WhatSpa? Professional accreditation and permission to use this logo, hot tub retailers must meet ALL of the above criteria for WhatSpa? Approval PLUS the following:

  • Business MUST have been trading for at least 2 years.
  • At least 6 hot tubs on permanent display.
  • At least 1 hot tub wet and operational for demo and wet testing at all times.
  • Water hygiene record keeping is compliant with Health & Safety Executive HSG 282.
  • All display hot tubs are routinely tested and treated in compliance with HSG 282 including regular testing at a UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) laboratory.
  • Accurate water testing equipment (digital photometry) is available either in-store or via mobile service vehicles for water hygiene/water balance testing of clients’ hot tub water upon request.

*WhatSpa? logos are the intellectual property of WhatSpa? Media Group and can only be used either digitally or physically with our express permission. Our logos MUST NOT be modified in any way and can only be used as supplied by WhatSpa? Media Group. Unauthorised modification or use of any of our logos without our permission is in breach of copyright law and will be prosecuted. WhatSpa? Media Group accepts no responsibility for any negligence in business governance or health and safety provisions of manufacturers, distributors or retailers that use our accreditations and/or logos.

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