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Hot Tubs for your Garden
Experience the ultimate with a level of luxury. Every aspect of each Spa has been designed to provide the ultimate therapeutic spa experience.
We are here to help you through the process of relaxing in one of our spas.Based in Oban Scotland
Featured products

Garden Spas combine handcrafted artistry and ergonomic design to create the ultimate spa experience. Garden Spas are small hot tubs designed especially for use in smaller homes and tight spaces, indoors and out. Garden Spas plug into a standard wall outlet, for an easy plug and play experience.
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South Seas Spas combine handcrafted artistry and design to create the ultimate spa experience. They have been hand-sculptured with a contemporary, elegant design that adheres to the human body perfectly for maximum comfort.
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This spa line is built to deliver robust and meaningful hydrotherapy, performing consistently at the top of its class. What’s more, with the Island Class, each spa is uniquely crafted to meet your specific needs and cater to your demanding tastes, while always finding a way to accommodate your budget.
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Artesian Elite Uses DirectFlow Technology. The innovative patented DIRECTFLOW Personal Control®Switchless Motor and Direct Plumbing System combined with the VARIABLE FLOW CONTROL (VFC) provides each user the ultimate individual control and hydrotherapy experience.
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Our Tidalfit Swimspa Range. TidalFit pools are equipped with a commercially rated pumping system that produces a current of 400 gallons of water per minute. This pump system is equipped with adjustable swim jets and variable flow controls that allow users of all levels of fitness to swim at their own desired level of intensity. Resistance cords are used in the TidalFit pool to accomplish curls, tricep extensions, chest presses, shoulder pulls, and back pulls.
More info on Tidalfit Swim Spas here...
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